Our Promise

We strive for excellence every day, to bring you the world’s best designer and luxury fashion at amazing prices, guarantee your purchase’s authenticity and quality, and provide a platform for you to discover new brands and designer talent. From customer care to social media, this is our promise.

How we do it

We’ve chosen the best independent luxury fashion boutiques in Italy to be a part of the SneakersbeShops platform. Both the SneakersbeShops team and the buyers at our partner boutiques curate the items that appear online, which are simultaneously available in retail locations across Italy. Now, thanks to the success of our unique model, global customers from the United States to Japan have access to the best pricing in the market on over 2,500 international luxury brands, from “It” handbags to designer principle’s clothing.

The process

When you purchase an item on SneakersbeShops, you’re getting a great value on the latest luxury fashion, direct from Italy. We process your payment through our secure billing service, manage the import and export process, and facilitate express global delivery right to your doorstep.
We’re proud of this setup because we’re providing global access to some of the best retail buyers in the world. Their curation and product selections mean you’re always looking at something that was carefully chosen, from the most respected luxury brands to the hottest up and coming designers from every corner of the world.


The prices listed on SneakersbeShops are the Italian retail price, so they’re already lower than other prices online or at offline retail stores in your region (30% Understanding SneakersbeShops Pricing). This is why the starting price (before any special sales promotions) may be lower than the full retail price you see quoted elsewhere. We’ve built our entire business model around offering the best price for designer fashion and luxury accessories, so we don’t offer coupons or discounts beyond seasonal sales and markdowns.