Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680 - Philip Meza
Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680 - Philip Meza
Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680 - Philip Meza
Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680 - Philip Meza

Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680Philip Meza


Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680 is a deep delve into some of the tramp interiors of Northern California from the period between the 1940s and 1980s. Published by Rizzoli, it showcases the photography of Fred Lyon – with influential and innovative décor from the likes of Elkins, Taylor, Dickinson, and other great talents.