Many “meat eaters” already know what vegans eat, but what does it mean to be vegan when it comes to fashion? What are vegan clothes and how to check whether your wardrobe is vegan? This is a guide for people who want to live in harmony with nature without losing sight of fashion.

There is a growing interest in the vegan diet and meat substitutes. More and more Polish people decide to go vegan or flexitarian, limiting their intake of meat. According to a study conducted on behalf of the portal, 9% Ties / bows. Statistically speaking, this means that around one million Poles don’t eat meat.

Dietary changes are often a part of a new lifestyle. Not eating meat and animal products usually goes hand in hand with different choices concerning cosmetics, shoes and clothes. How are vegan clothes different and what are the most important things to remember when assembling a vegan wardrobe?

Vegan clothes – what does it mean?

Vegan fashion means that no leather or animal products were used in the production process, such us silk, which is collected from silkworm cocoons. Vegan clothes are made of plant-based or synthetic materials, which are often recycled or upcycled, as well as leather alternatives, for example piñatex – a durable material made from cellulose fibres extracted from pineapple leaves. Piñatex looks almost exactly like leather, but no animals are harmed or used in the production process.

Innovative materials like that are also used, among others, by Stella McCartney, who has always offered vegan clothes, because it has been a part of her brand’s DNA from the very beginning. Most vegan clothes are also good for the environment and “green”. How does that work?

Eco clothes – green and ethical wardrobe

Besides caring for animal welfare, vegans fight for sustainable development, lobbying for changes in the production of food and clothes, as well as for preserving the balance of nature. Because of this, eco-aware clothes are often produced locally with respect for workers' rights, and they engage local communities in the process.

Such clothes are often not produced in Asia, but made locally – one of the brands that uses local production is Nanushka. Waste is minimized or processed, while the production chain from the design stage to large-scale production is reduced to a minimum, which lowers the carbon footprint from transport.

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Vegan labels you need to know

Do you want to fill your wardrobe with vegan clothes? A good way to stay vegan is organizing a clothes swap with your friends. Exchanging and wearing second-hand clothes (including vintage) helps to reduce the production of new ones.

However, if you still want to buy something new, try Stella McCartney (her accessories, including shoes and bags, are made of durable faux leather that looks exactly like actual leather).

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The brand uses organic cotton (from sustainable farms) and a vegan silk alternative (Bolt Threads’ Microsilk™️). Except for Stella and Nanushka, another eco-aware label is Rag & Bone. Check out our online shop for more sustainable and ethical brands.

Vegan clothes – will they fill your wardrobe?

It’s worth noting that eco clothes are not always vegan and they don’t have to be more expensive than those from “mainstream” production. A good example of this is the French sneaker brand Veja, which uses natural leather sourced in an eco-aware and ethical way.

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Do you limit your consumption of meat, opt for a green diet, care about the planet and not sleep at night because of global warming? Start the eco-revolution with yourself and make your wardrobe vegan. Even a small habit can snowball the change and encourage others to try being more eco-friendly – this way, the microtrend of vegan and eco clothes will soon become the new norm.

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