Welcome to SneakersbeShops

SneakersbeShops is the leading platform to discover over 2,500 of the world’s best luxury brands at the best price in the market.
We're passionate about Italy’s amazing luxury shopping and thought, why not make that accessible to the world? Through our innovative site, customers purchase brand-new, in-season, completely authentic items at the Italian retail price, which is typically lower than retail prices around the world. This equates to a consistent savings of 30 to 40%.
Shop at the Italian retail price without going to Italy

Our Team

SneakersbeShops was born in Silicon Valley in 2014, with funding from 500 Startups and other institutional investors. Today we’re based in Los Angeles, with offices in Europe. We’re a diversified, multilingual team of passionate luxury enthusiasts with a special appreciation for the uniqueness of Italian retail shopping.

Our Vision

Our vision is simple: combine cutting-edge technology, efficient logistics, and the best luxury brands in the world to offer the Italian retail price to global shoppers. Since the beginning, we’ve focused on execution, while still being creative in our approach and fostering great ideas among our team.
"We love combining tech and luxury fashion, which are two worlds that have traditionally been at odds. But with each innovation and instance of cross-pollination, they’re growing closer together, becoming more synonymous and complementary."

-Diego Abba, SneakersbeShops CEO

Don't just take our word for it. Read reviews from thousands of SneakersbeShops shoppers here.
Our unique approach to luxury shopping equates to significant savings for you, but we recommend that you read our How to Shop section thoroughly before you make a purchase so there are no surprises, including sections on our Shipping and Returns policies.
Because we’re importing luxury goods directly from Italy, any returns must be processed through Italian customs. This process requires additional shipping costs and customs duties, which is why we don’t offer free returns at this time. Please read our Returns Policy for more details.
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