Marvis Liquorice Mint Toothpaste - 85ml
Marvis Liquorice Mint Toothpaste - 85ml
Marvis Liquorice Mint Toothpaste - 85ml
Marvis Liquorice Mint Toothpaste - 85ml
Marvis Liquorice Mint Toothpaste - 85ml

Marvis Liquorice Mint Toothpaste85ml


Italian dental brand Marvis’ innovative take on toothpaste is clear to see – and taste – in this version; it’s flavoured with Amarelli liquorice to add a bittersweet burst to your daily routine. It doesn’t just brighten your smile either – its retro-inspired tube looks pretty great on your bathroom shelf, too.

  • 75ml
  • Liquorice Mint Flavour
  • Made in Italy

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