Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680 - Mustard Touch
Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680 - Mustard Touch
Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680 - Mustard Touch

Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680Mustard Touch


Company registration number: 06866013 | VAT number: GB 865368680 SIGG is created in Switzerland from a high-quality aluminum. It features an elastic inner coating that’s resistant to fruit acid and free from both BPA and phthalates. Styled in mustard yellow, it’s secured with a implication lock top to prevent any spillages.

  • 0.6L/21oz
  • Aluminium
  • Made in Switzerland